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2021-02-12 16:49  美国新闻网  _

  葡萄坚果品牌经理克里斯汀·德洛克(Kristin DeRock)说:“我们认识到,葡萄坚果的暂时短缺让粉丝们感到沮丧,因为葡萄坚果是一种独一无二的谷物,市场上没有其他谷物像它一样。”“我们现在承诺的返回日期比预期的要早。我们增加了产量,在接下来的55天里,我们将全力以赴地完成51项任务。我们现在预计,到3月中旬,库存将回到健康水平。”
  There's a light at the end of the cereal aisle for Grape-Nuts fans
  Anyone who enjoys the whole-grain crunch of Grape-Nuts for breakfast may have been distraught when the brand first announceda product shortage. But now there's a light at the end of the cereal aisle.
  Post Consumer Brands announced Thursday that "Grape-Nuts will officially be shipping at full capacity by mid-March" after shoppers turned to social media complaining about a lack of inventory.
  "We recognize that the temporary Grape-Nuts shortage has been frustrating to fans given that Grape-Nuts is a one-of-a-kind cereal and there is no other cereal like it on the market," Kristin DeRock, Grape-Nuts brand manager, said. "We are now committing to an earlier-than-anticipated return date. We ramped up production and are running full swing 51 out of the next 55 days. We now expect to be back to healthy inventory levels by mid-March."
  When the shortage first struck, Post assured consumers that the crunchy clusters had "NOT been discontinued" and that the adjustments in production schedules made it difficult to fill orders.
  MORE: McDonald's CEO says he is confident in the company's meat supply chain
  "As a token of apology, Grape-Nuts is offering fans the chance to be one of 10 people to win free Grape-Nuts for a year," the brand said, announcing a sweepstakes on its Facebook page.
  Anyone who joins the sweepstakes will also be notified when the cereal is back and receive a coupon for $1.50 off their purchase.
  And here's more good news: Grapes and nuts are both seemingly still available (the cereal is not made of either ingredient despite its name).
  Grape-Nuts were the latest consumer-packaged good that has faced shortages as a result of the pandemic, which has included Clorox wipes to toilet paper.






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